Mr Olusegun Bankole
"This is a major standpoint that all educated and enlightened ones must come up to take a critical position. The issue should transcend who I support politically or which party I belong to. This is an issue that affects the educational structure of our state; it is therefore a state matter not political"

One of the uncompleted Model Schools sited in the bush
I want to challenge anybody who falls into any of the following categories to identify himself and tell us when & where it happened to him:
1. Has there been a time when examination was not conducted on you as at when due?
2. Has there been a particular term when YOU write two examinations in a single term?
3. Has there been a time when the government or school authority failed to give you terminal report even after you have written examinations?
4. Has there been a time in your secondary school days that a term that's supposed lapsed for 13 weeks stretched to 15th and examination ended on the last day of the 15th week?
These and many other several questions are seriously begging for attention.
""As we speak, JSS1 & SS1 students will have no report sheet for the last academic session, they will only have the names of those promoted to the next class pasted on the wall. Majority of every commentators here are not parents of the students of public schools.""
Many, if not all, are patronizing the private schools hence, they might not be directly affected.
However, they should be concerned and affected too. You should lend credence to the voice that calls for sanity I our educational polity.
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