The First day I saw him join the League of early morning Walk out, I smiled & said 'thank God am not this Fat', I know some ppl would have said same of me, considering am not any slimmer either.
While I do my walking, he does his jogging with his flabby stomach & everything shaking as well. He does it diligently, within 1 month that man has cut down his weight tremendously. I envied him in a way, so I tried going his way #jogging but who dash monkey Banana, I run for 1 minute & spend 5 minutes panting & gasping for breath, I told myself 'no be army U wan join Ami, stick to what U know best' #BriskWalking.
I have reported on one of Us, because it's easy to appraise other ppl's progress, now let me do mine a little as seen
I started the exercise mornings & evenings while weighing 95kg, to God be the glory those my trousers wey no gree cross my thighs then, they now fit perfectly, am beginning to rock those my skirts; In Fact I feel better than I used to some months back before I started the exercise.
The reality on ground now is that by my current clothes, I've lost some weight but the weigh scale told me yesterday that I added 5kg to that 95 I weighed Before making it 100kg now.
It's official exercise makes me fatter, while I shed the body weight my face has refused to shed at all, guess it Comes with age, the wrinkles, puffy toady eyes, kpomo Lips, sagged Cheek, shapeless Chin are all evidence that am getting older.
Last year, u my friends crashed my wall, I took precautionary measures this Year by blocking any writings on my wall; thought I solved it, not Knowing that U were ready to Crash it. Finally today Via inbox & yes it's official I can no longer reply any msg Via Facebook inbox because it has even refused to upload the msgs there.
Thank U all for your Love my friends, U ppl make Living Fun.
Am not threatening U but am telling U what u are missing, so if U are out there just halla at your Sister, she needs you now than ever, but make sure your breath is fresh, if not! (Lmao)
To my family, U guys rock my world & got my back 100.
Thank U all for all your Love, U all make me feel special. HBD to my over 37 friends on my friend List who are my birthday mates #Atiku Abubakar, U ppl are special & I celebrate U all.
This is so U know, Donjazzy's birthday is tomorrow 26th, this thing is so co-incidental be accidental, if U know him tell him about me (Lol)
Time to do justice to my birthday Cake #Akpu with Egusi Soup, 10kg Loading
Amaka lives and work in Abuja, Nigeria
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