Mayor Joe Anderson walks along Garrick Street in Picton where homes are being sold for £1 (Picture LCC)
While property prices soar in London, Liverpool has some very different housing problems – areas like Picton where homes have been empty and boarded up for years.
In a bold move the council is selling houses for just £1 as part of Liverpool’s ongoing regeneration. Elected Mayor Joe Anderson explains how the Homes for a Pound scheme works and the reality behind taking on a run down property.
‘When I became Leader of the Council in 2010, one of my priorities was tackling the issue of empty properties across the city.
Despite the city centre enjoying a huge renaissance through regeneration and a successful year as European Capital of Culture in 2008, outlying areas still faced major challenges.
There were too many empty properties which, as well as looking unsightly, were depriving the city of valuable council tax income to fund vital services.
It was a great moment to hand over the key to the first successful applicant
At the same time, first time buyers were struggling to get on to the housing ladder due to house prices and the credit crunch.
Homes for a Pound was born out of a desire to bring empty houses back into use and give people a chance to own their own home.
In 2013 we set up a pilot scheme involving 20 properties dotted around Toxteth and Edge Hill. We didn’t want property speculators coming in to make a quick profit, so set a number of ground rules.
While property prices soar in London, Liverpool has some very different housing problems – areas like Picton where homes have been empty and boarded up for years.
In a bold move the council is selling houses for just £1 as part of Liverpool’s ongoing regeneration. Elected Mayor Joe Anderson explains how the Homes for a Pound scheme works and the reality behind taking on a run down property.
‘When I became Leader of the Council in 2010, one of my priorities was tackling the issue of empty properties across the city.
Despite the city centre enjoying a huge renaissance through regeneration and a successful year as European Capital of Culture in 2008, outlying areas still faced major challenges.
There were too many empty properties which, as well as looking unsightly, were depriving the city of valuable council tax income to fund vital services.
It was a great moment to hand over the key to the first successful applicant
At the same time, first time buyers were struggling to get on to the housing ladder due to house prices and the credit crunch.
Homes for a Pound was born out of a desire to bring empty houses back into use and give people a chance to own their own home.
In 2013 we set up a pilot scheme involving 20 properties dotted around Toxteth and Edge Hill. We didn’t want property speculators coming in to make a quick profit, so set a number of ground rules.

The scheme was designed to get families on the property ladder while reducing the number of empty homes (Picture: LCC)
To be successful you must live or work in Liverpool, be a first time buyer and live in the house for at least five years before letting it out or selling.
People are given about a year to bring it up to a decent standard and it’s not yours until that’s done.
It was a great moment to hand over the key to the first successful applicant and it was incredible to return a year later and see how he had totally transformed a rundown and neglected property into a beautiful home for his young family.
To be successful you must live or work in Liverpool, be a first time buyer and live in the house for at least five years before letting it out or selling.
People are given about a year to bring it up to a decent standard and it’s not yours until that’s done.
It was a great moment to hand over the key to the first successful applicant and it was incredible to return a year later and see how he had totally transformed a rundown and neglected property into a beautiful home for his young family.

Many house need more than a lick of paint (Picture: LCC)
There’s no doubt that we – and the successful applicants – have learned an awful lot as we’ve gone along.
These are not homes where you just need to give the walls a lick of paint and lay new carpet. Some people walked away when they saw the size and scale of the work needed.
In some cases floors and ceilings have collapsed and they all need new kitchens and bathrooms as well as damp proofing and plastering.
Some people walked away when they saw the size and scale of the work needed.
There were issues securing home insurance because the properties weren’t being lived in during the refurbishment. And although some of the applicants were competent at DIY, we’ve had to help them find tradespeople for the structural work.
Such was the demand that now we’ve decided to expand it, with an additional 150 derelict terraced properties in Picton.
It’s a part of the city which is already undergoing a lot of regeneration including the new Royal Liverpool Hospital and a secondary school, so it has real potential
There’s no doubt that we – and the successful applicants – have learned an awful lot as we’ve gone along.
These are not homes where you just need to give the walls a lick of paint and lay new carpet. Some people walked away when they saw the size and scale of the work needed.
In some cases floors and ceilings have collapsed and they all need new kitchens and bathrooms as well as damp proofing and plastering.
Some people walked away when they saw the size and scale of the work needed.
There were issues securing home insurance because the properties weren’t being lived in during the refurbishment. And although some of the applicants were competent at DIY, we’ve had to help them find tradespeople for the structural work.
Such was the demand that now we’ve decided to expand it, with an additional 150 derelict terraced properties in Picton.
It’s a part of the city which is already undergoing a lot of regeneration including the new Royal Liverpool Hospital and a secondary school, so it has real potential

Residents are given a year to get the properties up to standard (Picture: LCC)
We’re currently sifting through more than 2,500 applications received before the closing date.
Homes for a Pound is absolutely not a panacea for dealing with empty homes. It is simply not economically viable to refurbish properties, for example if their foundations are crumbling.
We’re currently sifting through more than 2,500 applications received before the closing date.
Homes for a Pound is absolutely not a panacea for dealing with empty homes. It is simply not economically viable to refurbish properties, for example if their foundations are crumbling.

In some houses ceilings and floors have collapsed and new kitchens and bathrooms are needed (Picture: LCC)
But it is one bit of the complex jigsaw we are piecing together to tackle the issue which has seen us commit to bring 4,000 homes back into use and build 5,000 new homes.
I want to make sure that people in Liverpool have access to a home, whatever their budget. Even if it’s only £1.’
But it is one bit of the complex jigsaw we are piecing together to tackle the issue which has seen us commit to bring 4,000 homes back into use and build 5,000 new homes.
I want to make sure that people in Liverpool have access to a home, whatever their budget. Even if it’s only £1.’
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